meyer easy pressure cooker recipe stewed pork leg

Stewed Pork Legs by Microwave Pressure Cooker from MEYER

If you are looking for a traditional dish in Thailand, Kao Kha Moo or Stewed Pork Leg with rice would be the one. Resulting from hours of simmering pork legs and herbs, the meat will become soft and easily shreded, plus flavourful liquid that goes well on top of meat and rice.

Sounds complicated? But you can actually cook this in few easy steps!

Spend a lot of time to make it? No worries, with Microwave Pressure Cooker from MEYER, everything will be just at ease. From hours to boil and simmer, you will need just less than an hour to create as delicious dish as local restaurants. 

ขาหมูต้มเค็ม meyer easy pressure cooker

2-4 Servings


  • 2 pork legs
  • 2 corriander roots
  • 5 gloves of chinese garlics
  • 1/2 tsp white pepper
  • 2 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1 tsp dark soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp palm sugar
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 250 ml warm water
  • 2 boiled eggs soaked in soy sauce
  • 1 cup pickled cabbage
  • 2-3 softboiled bok choy


Marinating Pork Legs

  1. Pound corriander roots, garlic, and white pepper finely.
  2. Dissolve sugar in warm water then add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, water, mix well together.
  3. In microwave pressure cooker, add pork legs, mixture from 1, and 2. Mix well and put it aside for about 30 minutes - 1 hour.


  1. Close the lid tightly and put the easy pressure cooker in the microwave with 500W for 20 minutes. Then, turn to another side and put in microwave for another 20 minutes.
  2. Use fork to check the tenderness of pork legs. You can continue to cook it if needed.


  1. Serve in a bowl with rice.
  2. Side dishes can be boiled eggs, pickle cabbage, softboil bok choy and vinegar.
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