The Best Way to Make Crispy Bacon: Add Water
Get ready to be wowed.
The best way of making crispy, juicy bacon that’s not dried out or brittle is actually to cook it in water first. 🤯🌊🥓
เชฟหัวกะทิที่ America’s Test Kitchen อธิบายเรื่องนี้ไว้ และเว็บไซต์ Real Simple ก็ทดลองต่อว่าเป็นจริงแค่ไหน ส่วนเราขอสรุปตามนี้
- First, lay your bacon out on a cold pan with a large cooking surface
- Our Accent Series Ultra-Durable Nonstick Frypan is perfect for this. It has a big cooking surface, and the tall sidewalls will catch oil splatters.
- Spoon in several tablespoons of water, so that all your strips get wet.
- Cook off the water on medium or medium-high heat.
- When the water has fully cooked off, turn the heat to medium-low and cook till the bacon is crisp-yet-tender and well-browned.
Of course, if you’re cooking for a large group, it’s hard to beat the convenience-to-quality ratio of the famous oven technique. However, if you want the best balance of tenderness and crispiness, give the water technique a try.